Nuneaton Labour Party Nuneaton Labour is the branch of the UK Labour Party covering the Nuneaton Constituency.
Labour councillors in Nuneaton are concerned about the amount of flytipping issues they have dealt with over the last two years. Five flytipping cameras were bought when Labour was in control of the Borough Council, and they were deployed.
Illegal flytipping however continues to be a blight on local communities in Nuneaton. This is despite the Conservative Council’s hollow pledge to tackle ‘crime and grime’.
Neil Phillips, Labour councillor for Abbey, said “The Conservatives promised six more flytipping cameras would be put into use to tackle the problem. Question now is where are they? Despite local press releases, they are still not in use yet. What is the hold up?”
Neil added: “We will continue to push for more measures to reduce illegal flytipping. We need action now, not rhetoric.”